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Teachers, save β€œπŸš€ STEM Heroes: Katherine Johnson (πŸ“šA Com…” to assign it to your class.


πŸš€ STEM Heroes: Katherine Johnson (πŸ“šA Computer Called Katherine)

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Science, STEAM, Math

Student Instructions

add 1. On page 1, watch the video video then move move the pictures into the correct order. Record your voice frame-record re-telling the story. 2. On page 2, write the correct answers for each equation in the frame-label. Don't forget to check your answers! 3. On page 3, complete the rocket tangram by move moving the shapes. 4. On page 4, complete the puzzle by move moving the shapes. 5. On page 5, frame-label write your own quote which perhaps will be famous one day! Take a selfie too frame-camera. 6. On page 6, frame-label write words which describe Katherine. 7. On page 7, move move the numbers to complete the puzzle. 8. On page 8, video listen to a different story, Counting on Katherine. Then answer the questions frame-label. 9. On page 9, label write a thankyou letter from an Apollo 13 astronaut to Katherine. 10. On page 10, use the pen pen to complete the picture. Check your work and check
