Student Instructions
Tap :add;
Follow the on page one to print a copy of Monocot information cards.
Follow the
on page two to print a copy of Dicot information cards.
Take time to study the information on each page. Make a poster.
Try to remember the characteristics of each plant type.
Use scissors to cut along the black lines to make individual cards.
Now you can play a game of memory. Ask a family member to play with you. You'll need to share the characteristics with your family member.
Place the cards face down on a hard surface. Take turns turning over two cards. When the cards match (picture and information) you get to keep them. If they do not match, they must be placed face down in their original space and it is the next persons turn.
Have fun!
Use the
to share your poster.
Use the
to tell all about your game.
when you are finished.