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Teachers, save “Book Review Movie Trailer” to assign it to your class.

Jennifer Boulos

Book Review Movie Trailer

Grades: 5th Grade, Other
Subjects: Computer Science, Writing, Reading

Student Instructions

Have you read a great book lately? Would you recommend it to a friend? Let's hear why this book is so special! You are going to make a book movie trailer that is so exciting all your friends will want to read the book. 1. Find items in your home that you want to use as props, costumes, sounds in your book trailer. (With adult supervision use the internet to look at appropriate book trailer examples.) 2. add Tap to add to your journal. 3. note Use the notepad to write a script for a book review movie trailer. 5. video Use the video camera to record your book trailer. 4. check Tap the green check when you are ready to share. Note: If you know how to use iMovie, you may create your book review movie trailer in iMovie. Save your completed iMovie to the camera roll and the upload it to seesaw Your book movie trailer needs to include the following information: 1. Title and author of the book. 2. An exciting summary of the book that grabs your audience's attention. 3. A gripping hook about why they should read the book.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Giving students opportunities to creatively reflect and share what they are excited about reading helps builds a lifelong love of reading. This activity also builds 21st century skills by using technology creatively to express and share ideas. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.6
