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Teachers, save “The Transfer of Energy” to assign it to your class.

Matt Cromwell

The Transfer of Energy

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

So, today we are looking at our second line of inquiry for this unit. It is - drumroll....... 'The Transfer and Conservation of Energy' - the law of science that energy is never lost, it is always transferred to another form or forms and conserved. It is a very tricky concept that we are going to start to explore. So, click on the add button and then I will explain more about this idea on pages 1,2+3. Then, on page 4 you will have a chance to find 3 examples in your home of how energy is transferred from one form to another or many forms. You will document this through photo label and drawing If you can't think of 3 in your home, then look at my page 5 instructions and then attempt the task on page 6. If you have done the activity on page 4 you do not need to do the work on pages 5+6. Deadline = Today Time = 35/45 minutes Good Luck!
