Instructions for Pupils
Today you are going to learn about how to disegnare macchine Steampunk (draw Steampunk machines).
1. Clicca (click) the attachment to guardare il video (watch the video) to learn about the Steampunk art style.
2. In your libro d'arte (sketch book), practice disegnare:
- ingranaggi (gears) of various sizes and shapes
- calibri (gauges) and orologi (clocks) of various types and sizes
- tubi (pipes) of various shapes
3. Now it's time to put it all together and disegnare your own macchina Steampunk using una matita grigia (a greylead) by FOLLOWING THE ISTRUZIONI (instructions) IN THE VIDEO and then you can also add your own idee (ideas).
You can re-watch the video and clicca pause as many times as needed.
4. When you are finito (finished) disegnare your macchina Steampunk, usi un pennarello nero (use a black marker) to outline your disegno and cancelli (erase) the matita grigia. Se volete (if you want) you can then colour it in.
5. Clicca
and clicca
to take un foto of your arte.
6. Clicca
and post it to your Seesaw journal.