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Teachers, save “Create a wanted poster for a pirate” to assign it to your class.

Andrea Bonham

Create a wanted poster for a pirate

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: History, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

1) Click plus to open the activity. Click the add to add a response. 2) Add a photo of your pirate to your slide (If the image needs to be turned around, click on move tool and then you can use the arrow to rotate your picture) 3) Use the drawing tool to add your name 3) Use the label to add a text box to give the page a title 4) Add mic to tell me about your pirate 5) Use the pencil to add anything else that you would like to add to the page 5) Click the green tick at the top right side of the page to save and submit your work Good luck. From Mrs. Bonham and the Year 2 team
