Instructions for Pupils
Knowing the names of foods is important. When you know the names of food, you will be able to shop, order from a menu, and understand recipes. You may like one food better than another and should know the name of that food. On the same note, you may not like some foods and definitely want to know the names of those foods.
🍕Read all the directions
🍕Push the for the spinner
🍕Adjust the spinner to a 4 number spinner
🍕Spin and remember that number
🍕Return to Seesaw and push the
for the number
🍕Example spin 2 go-to food 2
to record the names of the foods
🍕Follow the numbers on each page to record in the correct order
🍕Spin again and follow the directions above
when you have finished this assignment
🍕When you understand the directions push
to start the activity