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Kelly Hudson (khudson@steds.org)

(A4) Measuring Volume With Precision and Accuracy

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

Hands-on Activity 1. Click add to open the template. Slide 1: Volume 1. Observe the graduated cylinder. 2. Determine the volume of the red liquid by measuring with precision and accuracy. 3. Take a quality photo of the volume as photo evidence. Be sure the numbers are showing in your photo. 4. Use the red highlighter to color the volume of the water in the graduated cylinder. Be exact. 5. Use the 🎤 to explain the volume and how you measured with precision and accuracy. Your recording should not exceed 20 seconds. Slide 2: Measuring with Precision and Accuracy 1. Arrange the graduated cylinders from greatest capacity to least capacity. 2. Match the cards to each graduated cylinder. 3. Take a photo of the cards and tools. 4. Use the 🎤 to explain this activity. Your recording should not exceed 20 seconds. Slide 3: Measuring Volume with Displacement 1. Put EXACTLY 50 mL of water into a graduated cylinder. Take a photo. 2. Drop a marble into the water. Take a photo. 3. Calculate the volume of the marble (amount the water level rose). 4. Use the 🎤 to record an explanation for finding volume using displacement. Your recording should not exceed 20 seconds. Slides 4 – 7 1. Slides 4-6: Answer the questions. Check your work. Make corrections as needed. 2. Slide 7: Record the purpose of the activity. 3. Click the green check to save. 4. Tag your partner. Required Content o Identify the volume of the red water o Explanation of how to measure volume with precision ad accuracy (rules) o Explanation of how to read graduated cylinders o Explanation of how to measure volume using displacement o All of the practice questions correctly answered o Purpose of the activity Required Vocabulary o Volume o Graduated Cylinder o Accuracy o Precision o Unit o Measure o Tool
