Instructions for Pupils
Create 10 pages that feature a creative infographic about a type of figurative language on each page. Each page must identify the type of figurative language, a definition, an image, and a unique example sentence. Your image can be a drawing, photograph, icons, or however you choose to represent the figurative language example sentence. STEP 1: Use the text tool to add the figurative language as the heading STEP 2: Use the text tool to create a definition of the figurative language STEP 3: Add your picture to represent the figurative language STEP 4: Create an example sentence as a caption STEP 5: Add a page and repeat the steps until you have 10 pages BONUS: Record your voice reading your example sentence
Introduce figurative language and allow students to practice. Use this activity as a final formative assessment. Students can use Quizlet to study terms and play games: