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Adrienne Jimerson

Choosing & Sharing My One Word for the New Year!

Grades: 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Character Building

Student Instructions

Click the link link to hear the book, "One Word for Kids" read aloud by the author to learn about how and why you will choose your own unique One Word for this new year. Tip: Remember, this word will help you be your best self in ALL areas of life, not just at school! Pick something that is not already a strength or something that "sounds cool" because a friend or classmate chose it. Let the word come to you! When you've chosen your word, tap add to start working. The first few pages will show you some examples of what you can do to show and share your One Word at home or at school or anywhere with others! On page 4, click the link link for your own copy of a digital poster (a Google Slide). This will automatically save in your Google Drive. Your teacher will help you navigate the special tools so you can change the font, color, and background to make it your own. Follow the directions in the slide deck so you can better explain the importance this word has for YOU and how it will help you be your BEST self this year. Next, run a Safe Image Search for pictures that come to your mind when you say your One Word. Copy the images and paste into your slide, or, use the free Seesaw Reflect extension screenshot tool for Google Chrome to help you do this. These images will also help others understand what your One Word means to you. Click here to run a Safe Image Search: https://www.safesearchkids.com/safe-image-search/#.Yd3YBP7MI2w Finally, you may choose add audio or mic tool to explain your One Word, and can print your poster in full color to hang over your workspace or at home to help you be your best self each day by clicking the 3dots from your Seesaw journal feed view. Click draft to save your work or tap check to share your One Word with your teacher and family.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

A. Jimerson @Super2ndsMrsJ #SeesawAmbassador I hope you enjoy doing this activity with your students, and maybe even create your own One Word! If you do, I'd love to see on Twitter if you tag me. :) Thank you for not resubmitting to the District / Community libraries. The linked Google slide deck inside this activity is just what I felt were "essential" for students to have on their own. I go over the first 4 slides in class with them instead of having them read on their own. That deck came from a much larger deck from the marvelous Meredith Ackers. That full deck has one additional green slide for you to read if you wish and an entire class set of template slides. Get it here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L0JR7Yjf2EFetzrWqeIm-ExYH7_idJpqnBpppF6UV0Q/copy#slide=id.g2d19ca678a_0_441 I simply made this more individualized so there isn't a need to worry about kids accidentally working on each other's slides or copying- but I have used that version with second graders in the past just fine
