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Teachers, save “Las emociones/ Feelings in Spanish. (Emo…” to assign it to your class.

Carmen Astacio

Las emociones/ Feelings in Spanish. (Emoji movie)

Grades: 6th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: World Languages

Student Instructions

Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify feelings in Spanish using emojis. 2. Talking about feelings and emotions in Spanish. Intructions: 1. Go to seesaw 2. add response 3. Change your background 4. Look for emojis in Google that represent an emotion and upload them in the circles. 5. label the emotions in Spanish. 6. Write a sentence at the bottom of your seesaw to answer the question… ¿Còmo estás? Yo estoy muy bien. Me siento así-así. 5. Make sure that you followed the steps. 6. Click check if you are done or click draft if you are still working on your assignment. Remember to ask questions if you need any help. ¡Tú puedes hacerlo!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

How to Express Emotions in Spanish In Spanish, we often use the verb estar to express our current feelings or emotions. Estoy feliz. I’m happy. Estoy aburrida. I’m bored. Estoy emocionado. I’m excited. Estoy nerviosa. I’m nervous. You can also use the verb sentirse, “to feel.” ¿Cómo te sientes? How do you feel? ¡Me siento de maravilla! I feel great! Me siento animado. I feel lively. Me siento relajada. I feel relaxed. Me siento fatal. I feel terrible.
