Student Instructions
Conferences are an important time to think about what you have learned and how you want to continue to grow. Before you complete this reflection, chose work in your Seesaw Journal that you are proud of and want to share with your family. Add it to your Conference folder. Take time to reflect on your learning and goals!
1. Click add response.
Use your Learning Tools to answer the reflection questions.
Click the camera to record a video telling your family what you are most proud of so far this year.
Click the green check to add to your journal.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Research shows that family involvement is the best predictor of student success. With Seesaw, conferences are opportunities to build deep partnerships and engage families as co-owners of student outcomes. They are also an important time for students to reflect on and share their learning and growth. Teacher Tips: Create a Conferences folder. Before students complete this reflection activity, have them look through their journal and add work to the Conferences folder. Decide how many and what type of posts to add. Students can add work that shows growth, strengths, or areas for improvement. You can add work as well. At conferences, use each student's Conference folder to guide the discussion. Learn more about creating and using folders here: Related Research: Global Family Research Project: Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family School Partnerships: Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine Books, pp. 173-212