Student Instructions
🔴Get Ready! Get Set! Go!
• Tap on the attached image to view the lesson presentation
• Tap the image again to "Start the Engine" and make it come alive
1. "Whacky Do Re Mi"
2. "John The Rabbit"- sing the "Yes, ma'am" parts
3. "All I Really Need" - learn the sign language
4. "Dance Monkey" - played on the trombone and tuba.
5. Line Rider - "Minuetto" by Boccherini
⭕️ Sound Experiment: "Singing Glasses Toothpick Mover"
🔴 Seesaw Response:
• Use the to record and sing the chorus to "All I Really Need"
• If you want a challenge, use a second device (like your mom's phone) and make a video of you singing and doing the sign language to "All I Really Need." Can you teach it to someone in your family?
to add this to your journal