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Teachers, save β€œJUNE SUMMER LEARNING” to assign it to your class.

Nicole Pryor


Years: PK-TK, Kindergarten
Subjects: Home Learning, Reading, Math

Student Instructions

πŸ‘† add to start Page 1: πŸ‘† on the weekly tab to go to the weekly activities. πŸŸ₯WEEK #1 Page 2: πŸ‘† move to select a πŸ“š to πŸ‘‚ to from the Choice Board. Page 3: πŸ‘† drawing tool to draw and write about the story you liked best. 🟧WEEK #2 Page 4: πŸ‘† move tool to click the red button to listen to the story. Page 5: πŸ‘† move tool to give Pete 4 Buttons and put 4 Paws on the ten frame. 🟨WEEK #3 Page 6: Let’s have some fun with letters and our names πŸ“. (SAMPLE) Page 7: Find a picture of something from each letter of your first name. Create a story picture on the tablet with your pictures spelling out your name! Tap label to put a letter at each picture! 🟩WEEK #4 Page 8: Use the pencil to practice writing your 1st & last names. Page 9: πŸ‘† drawing to draw a picture of one fun thing you have done in June. πŸ‘† audio to tell about your illustrations. 🟦 BONUS Page 10: πŸ‘† link to learn to draw a popsicle. Page 11: πŸ‘† photo to take a picture of your drawing of a popsicle. ⚠️ REMEMBER to save your work as a DRAFT draft every week. ⭐️ Once you finish all the activities you can save your work by πŸ‘† check

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This template was borrowed from Miss Alondra Salazar and adapted for Summer Learning Activities for my PreK Students.
