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Teachers, save “Kids & Compliments” to assign it to your class.

Kelsey Moore

Kids & Compliments

Grades: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Writing, Character Building

Student Instructions

As we wind down the year, let's take some time to shower each other with kind words! 1. Use the camera tool to take a selfie - leave some space around your face...you'll soon see why! 2. Leave your computer open on your desk and rotate to the desk next to yours when I ring the bell. 3. Use the text box tool to write an adjective (a kind describing word) about the person who's desk you are at, and add the word/text box to their selfie picture. 4. When I ring the bell, rotate to the next desk and repeat the steps By the end of this activity you will end up back at your desk and find your original selfie surrounded by words that describe you, written by your peers. 5. Read what your peers have written about you and then push the add button to submit.
