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Kelly Silverman

IDENTITY JOURNAL #14-"Which Animal Do You Connect With?"

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Character Building, English Language Arts, Writing

Student Instructions

1. Please click the add 2. As you go through each slide please click the voice for instructions. Each recording has instructions and information that will help you complete each slide. 3. Please click the draft if you need more time for this activity. 4. Please click the check to submit your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

CREDIT: Allie Apels @joysofkinder and Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt @inquiryteacher for their amazing Identity Workbook. This workbook was offered free to me (and anyone else via their TWITTER) and I adapted for my purposes. CREDIT: "Sometimes I Feel Like A Fox" read aloud/book by Danielle Daniel CREDIT Video : www.youtube.com CREDIT: power point slide background Slidesgo This is going to be a "year long" exploration of Identity that ties into CREDIT: @georgecouros Identity Day from "The Innovators' Mindset" Activities will be numbered as created. This year long "journal" will explore not only identity but elements of writing, reading response, health, art, and wellness. I have chosen to create a Folder in my Seesaw called "Identity Journal" so all of these activities will be in one spot. Perhaps at the end of the school year it can be printed as a keepsake for families! Enjoy!
