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Teachers, save β€œπŸŒŸ Hour of Code: Beach Cleanup πŸ– πŸ—‘ πŸ¬β€ to assign it to your class.

Ms. Menagh

🌟 Hour of Code: Beach Cleanup πŸ– πŸ—‘ 🐬

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Health, Social Studies, Computer Science

Student Instructions

Today, we are going to join students all over the world to learn about Computer Science! It's Hour of Code Week! For this year’s Hour of Code, we’re thinking about ways to help the earth and oceans. If you've never logged into Kodable, I'll show you how. Grab your Clever badge and login to Kodable from our class homepage. Click school profile, then select Hour of Code. Choose Beach CleanUp to help The Fuzz clean up trash and recyclables on the beach. Trace a path to collect all the rubbish on the beach. Then, enter the directions in the bar at the bottom to tell your Fuzz where to roll. When we're done today, come back to this activity. Tap add and share what you learned.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Teachers: link Kodable into your Clever page to make it easy for students. Change out the screenshot to add your own homepage icon on page 4 of the Multimedia instructions.
