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Teachers, save “Mi rutina diaria (My daily routine)” to assign it to your class.

Carmen Astacio

Mi rutina diaria (My daily routine)

Grades: 8th Grade, 10th Grade, 9th Grade
Subjects: World Languages, Lessons in Spanish

Student Instructions

1. Go to seesaw 2. Click add response and choose your portfolio. 3. label your name in the left side and today's date on the right side. 4. Describe your daily routine using "the verb TENER". 5. Add a photo for each activity. 6. label Write 3 sentences using any of your daily routines. (According to the time of the day, using "primero, segundo, Despues, etc). 7. If you are NOT done by the end of the class click draft If you ARE done click check Extra credit: Record your sentences in the target language. mic Please use your notes and choose "Clip art" for appropriate pictures.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

I used "Autentico" 2A for this lesson. NJ Standards: • 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present basic personal information, interests, and activities using memorized words, phrases, and a few simple sentences on targeted themes. • 7.1.NM.PRSNT.2: State basic needs on very familiar topics using words, phrases, and short memorized, formulaic sentences practiced in class. 7.1.NM.PRSNT.4: Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics. In Spanish, reflexive verbs are often used to describe things you do to yourself every day or that involve a change of some sort, for example, going to bed, sitting down, getting angry, and so on. Reflexive verbs are much more common in Spanish than in English, and many are used in everyday language. Some of the most common reflexive verbs in Spanish are listed here: acostarse to go to bed afeitarse to shave bañarse to have a bath, to have a swim dormirse to go to sleep ducharse to have a shower enfadarse to get angry lavarse to wash levantarse to get up llamarse to be called secarse to get dried sentarse to sit down vestirse to get dressed
