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Teachers, save “Future me: writing a letter to the future” to assign it to your class.

Mónica Campos

Future me: writing a letter to the future

Grades: Other, 12th Grade, 11th Grade
Subjects: Writing, English Language Arts, Multilingual Learners

Student Instructions

Getting a surprise from the past is actually kind of an amazing thing, isn't it? So, what we are going to do in this activity is send to our future selves a prediction of the things that we hope we will have achieved by the end of this course. 1. Tap add to start. 2. link Go to https://www.futureme.org/ and write a letter describing your goals and expectations for this course. Choose a date in which the letter will be delivered to you (ideally a couple of weeks before the end of the term). 3. Once you get the letter, come again to this seesaw activity and photo upload a screenshot of the letter. 4. Use the label and drawing tools to correct any spelling, vocabulary or grammar mistake you can spot on your original letter. 5. Next, mic record yourself saying how many of the things you described you were actually able to achieve. 6. Tap check to add to your journal.
