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Terry Morris

Ruby Bridges

Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Social Studies

Student Instructions

Governments all over the world impact their citizens in both positive and negative ways. Watch The Story of Ruby Bridges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8D4ldGY41s Think about how the government did not protect Ruby Bridges. After watching, add your thoughts and ideas about the following questions. You can use label or mic to fully explain your ideas. 1. In 1957 it was against the law in the US to make white and black children attend different schools, but New Orleans did not follow this rule. The schools white children went to were better than the schools that black children went to. How did the government not protect black children? 2. Do you think it is fair for the government or people (society) to treat people differently? 3. How did Ruby fight to help future black children? 4.Do you think similar things are happening in the world right now? Press plus to respond to these questions.
