Student Instructions
We have been working on "Storytelling in Art," when you created your still life pictures. We will continue with storytelling, but will also begin to discuss "Culture in Art." Culture in art can be defined in many different ways, and we will start with the unique artistic culture of Keith Haring. While you are watching the video, think to yourself... What makes Haring's art different from other artists we have seen? Does he add details? What types of colors does he use? Does he blend or shade? How does his art make you feel? 1. Please watch the video on Keith Haring, his life and history. 2. Pay close attention to the end of the video, where I show a demonstration on how to create gesture drawings. Remember- a gesture tells a story! What pose can you create that tells a story? 3. Your teacher will place you in breakout rooms to practice drawing gestures of your classmates! Have fun! 4. Use the template provided, to upload your gesture poses of your classmates and your bonus activity. BONUS ACTIVITY 4. The District 58 Art Team has shared a few gesture photos of their families and pets. Ask your family members to pose for you! Take photos of your family members, then try to draw them. Once completed, upload your photos of your family members in their poses, and your drawings of them! Be creative!