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David Crimi

What do you recommend? A Curation Project

Grades: 4th Grade
Subjects: Reading, Books, Writing

Student Instructions

Have you ever read a “Top 10” or a “Best of” list? Then you've read a CURATED LIST. To CURATE is to collect items (books, videos, images - anything) that all have something in common. YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Curate a list of fiction or nonfiction books to recommend to other fourth graders. What’s the connection? 1. Read the example with a partner: BOOKS THAT MAKE YOU THINK. What do you notice? 2. Choose a title for your list. Here are some ideas: BEST 3 BOOKS ABOUT (TOPIC) 3 BEST ADVENTURE BOOKS BEST 3 BOOKS ABOUT HISTORY 3 BOOKS ABOUT COURAGE 3 BOOKS in SCHOOL SETTINGS 3 BOOKS ABOUT FAMILY Or choose your own title! 3. Include books you've read before, or read new ones in our room, at the Hub, or on Epic. Here are some ideas for fiction books to read on Epic: https://www.getepic.com/collection/31922909/fiction-books?utm_source=t2t&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=collection&share=22121598732 4. Choose 3 books for your list, one on each slide. Use the template. 5. Write at least 3 sentences about each book. Explain why it belongs on your list. Who do you recommend the book for and why? 6. Use colors or other ways to make it interesting for another student to read!
