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Mrs Coulter


Grades: Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning

Student Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS Sorting and classifying objects helps children begin to notice how items are alike and different, and creates an awareness that is vital for math learning. So today we will do some more. - we have attached some examples of how you might do this activity, we are not making it prescriptive and are leaving the resources up to you......please just ensure you clean the money in warm soapy water first before using it. - allow your child some time to explore the items or if using the shape finder activity they will need time to find the items - Chat to your child about why they have placed the items where they have? - Can they discuss similarities and differences? - Parents it is important to allow your child thinking time.....do you know it takes an a average 4 year old 10 seconds to listen, hear process and begin to respond to you.....allow them that time! Have fun....and don’t forget to click add to upload your evidence 😊
