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Teachers, save “Phases of Matter: Temperature Time Curve” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Ellerbee

Phases of Matter: Temperature Time Curve

Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 8th Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

Use the drawing and label tools to help remember a new concept. 1. Tap the add button. 2. Tap the label tool to label all the sections and points on the curve (you have have 3. Tap in the label box "Graph 1:" to complete the title for the graph 4. Use the mic and record yourself explaining what is occurring. Make sure to discuss if this curve is representing thermal energy being added or taken away. 5. Tap the check to add to your portfolio.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Drawings in Seesaw are preserved and provide evidence for students and teachers as they reflect on progress over time. In Seesaw, not only is it easy for teachers to see all of the students’ drawings in one place, but students can later use others’ drawings as a resource or a helpful study tool. This activity works great when your lesson asks students to sketch, work through a problem, or draw a diagram. To do this activity with students…. 1. Share this activity by tapping the green Share button 2. Students sign in to Seesaw. 3. Students follow the steps to complete the activity.
