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Teachers, save “SOLVING WORD PROBLEMS” to assign it to your class.

Ms. Claudette


Grades: 2nd Grade, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Math, Home Learning

Student Instructions

Hello! Today you will be solving word problems. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to learn strategies to solve and create word problems. SUCCESS CRITERIA: I know I am successful when: 1. I can solve word problems. 2. I can explain how I solved word problems. 3. I can formulate my own word problem. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Tap add to start the learning engagement. 2. Listen to the instructions on page 1. 3. Watch the video on page 2. 3. Read the word problem on page 3. Follow the guidelines on the box. Encircle the important information. Underline the question. Lastly, using the pen highlighter write your number sentence. 4. Tap the mic to explain how you come up with the answer. 5. Create your own word problem using the pictures on page 5. Tap the move to move the objects to the story board. Tap the mic to explain your thinking. 6. Tap check to submit your learning engagement.
