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Teachers, save “Contributing to my Learning Community” to assign it to your class.

Melissa Carpenter

Contributing to my Learning Community

Grades: 2nd Grade
Subjects: Character Building, Social Studies

Student Instructions

Think about ways that you contribute to our remote learning community. You are going to be an author today. Share ideas for ways we are strong learners when we work with our class and when we work alone. 1. Click add to start your book. 2. Type your name on the cover of the book using label text. 3. Listen to the caption on page 2. There are sentence stems that can help you if you need it. Use them if you need them to help get started. 4. Visit each page and click caption to hear the directions. Use label text to explain your thinking. If you need help getting started you can use the sentence stems on page 2. 5. Click check when you are done.
