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Teachers, save “Who do you like to read with?/¿Con quién…” to assign it to your class.

Sandy Chilton

Who do you like to read with?/¿Con quién te gusta leer?

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning, Reading

Student Instructions

1. 👆🏽add 2. 👆🏽photo y toma una foto de con quién te gusta leer 3. 👆🏽mic y dime quién es 4. 👆🏽check para entregar su trabajo *Nota para el cuidador: el compañero de lectura de un niño puede ser una persona, un animal o un animal de peluche 1. 👆🏽add 2. 👆🏽photo and take a picture of who you like to read with 3. 👆🏽mic and tell me who it is 4. 👆🏽check to turn in your work *Caregiver note: A child's reading buddy can be a person, animal or stuffed animal
