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The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you. The sense of smell depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose.

Mr Jimenez

[READING] The five senses: the sense of smell

Grades: 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: Multilingual Learners, English Language Arts, Science

Student Instructions

Skimming yes/no questions to do while reading: All animals have five senses. (Yes/No) The sense of smell depends on your nose. (Yes/No) Senses work together. (Yes/No) The nose has more than one function. (Yes/No) Smell is closely related to another sense. (Yes/No) Scanning questions: What are the five senses’ main functions? (live and experience the world) What does the nose get when smelling? (the fumes of an odor) What is other function that the nose performs? (filtering the air) What other sense is smell closely related to? (taste) How are taste and smell related? (the aroma comes from your mouth to your nose)
