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Teachers, save “Surrealism Automatic Drawing Miro” to assign it to your class.

Tracy Smith

Surrealism Automatic Drawing Miro

Year Groups: 10th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade
Subjects: Art

Instructions for Pupils

Today we will learn about the surrealist artist Joan Miro and we will begin to use Adobe Photoshop Joan Miró, (born April 20, 1893, Barcelona, Spain—died December 25, 1983, Palma, Majorca), Catalan painter who combined abstract art with Surrealist fantasy. His mature style evolved from the tension between his fanciful, poetic impulse and his vision of the harshness of modern life. 1. Open a new Photoshop document Make it 75 dpi 20cm 30cm 2. Choose a background colour or texture 3.Take a line for a walk. Add some shapes and then fill with colours and textures. 4.Keep each element on a different layer and label them.
