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Leonie Mackay

Write a Recount Using the 5 Ws

Grades: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Writing, Literacy, Home Learning

Student Instructions

A recount is a retelling of a sequence of events. 1. Watch the 5 Ws video by clicking on the link 2. Click add 3. Think about what you are going to write about, then use label to complete the graphic organiser on the first page. 4. Think about the order of events, then use label to briefly brainstorm on the second page. 5. You have a choice on the third page of using label to type your recount directly onto Seesaw, or write it on paper then use photo to upload a photo of it (readable). If you need it, click addpage for more pages. 6. Click check to hand in.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Graphic organiser on first page used with thanks from www.allkidsnetwork.com Sequence of events purchased and used with thanks from Lauren Fairclough from her Recount Poster Prompts package.
