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Miss Chapman

Thursday 26th March - Making potions 🧪

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning

Student Instructions

Possible learning objectives: To use everyday language to talk about capacity To order items by capacity To recognise some numerals To record using marks that they can explain To count actions What could we do? - 🧪help the wizard make a new potion (possible ingredients: paint, food colouring, water, mud, glitter, bubble bath, flowers, leaves, flour, washing powder) - 🧪look at the scale on the side of a measuring jug and talk about the numbers - 🧪weigh ingredients - 🧪write a recipe or instructions for how to make the potion - 🧪label some empty bottles (or even ones that arent empty yet - like shower gel) with potion names (e.g. shrinking potion) - 🧪draw a potion bottle and draw some strange things in it - 🧪throughout the day look for real opportunities to use words given in the wordcloud attached - when having a bath, at lunchtime, in the garden etc.
