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Mrs. Ahrens

Sight Word Practice - List 2

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: English Language Arts, Writing, Reading

Student Instructions

1. Tap the green add button. 2. Watch the example video on the first page, then tap the link next to the ➔ at the bottom of the page. 3. Tap the mic to record your voice and actions. 4. Tap the eraser and erase a cloud to reveal a sight word! Try to read the word out loud. 5. Tap the pen or pencil and practice writing the sight word in the box next to the cloud. 6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 (eraser, read, pen or pencil to write) for all 5 sight words. 7. Tap the pause button to stop recording and then tap the green check 8. Tap the link next to the ➔ at the bottom of the page to go to the second page and repeat for the last 5 sight words. 9. Tap the green check two times to turn your work in to your teacher.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Fry Sight Words Included: he, was, for, on, are, as, with, his, they, I. Scratch off inspiration from Kris Szajner!
