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Teachers, save “Freerice = Play, Learn, and Feed the Hungry” to assign it to your class.

Mr. Wagner Guy Pierre

Freerice = Play, Learn, and Feed the Hungry

Grades: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, Other
Subjects: Reading, World Languages, Science

Student Instructions

Submit a screenshot of your highest score! Freerice is a 100% non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme. Freerice has two goals: 1. Provide education to everyone for free. 2. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. Each time you answer a question right, the banner ad that you see generates enough money for the World Food Programme to buy 10 grains of rice to help reach Zero Hunger. How do I upload a profile picture? 1. Login 2. Go to your profile page and click "Edit Profile" 4. Click "Choose file" next to the Profile Picture and browse to the image file on your computer 6. Ensure the file name does not include unusual characters 4. Double-click the file or click "open" 4. Click "save" at the bottom of the page Please note: if you registered as being under the age of 14, your profile will be limited to protect your identity. You will not be able to upload a profile picture or add a description...
