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Teachers, save “Desk Pet Gingerbread House” to assign it to your class.

Jenna Dixon

Desk Pet Gingerbread House

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Art, STEAM, Motor Development

Student Instructions

Using the supplies provided by your teacher, create a gingerbread house for your desk pet. Then use photo to take a picture of your desk pet standing in front of their new house. Use label to type a Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas message from your desk pet and drawing to create a setting for your house. Possible extension activities: 1. Write a story about your desk pet in their new home 2. Draw an aerial map of the inside of their new home 3. Make a graph showing the types of candies you used

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Supply list: Class set of empty milk cartons and small paper plates (hot glue the milk carton onto the paper plate) Class set of plastic knives Enough of the following for each student to build and decorate: graham crackers (it takes three per student), white frosting, shredded coconut (for the roof), mini candy canes, gum drops, jelly beans, peppermint discs, M&Ms, Skittles, rope licorice, Peep trees, square pretzels, etc. whatever you'd like to use.
