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Teachers, save “WRITING: Tiny wonders” to assign it to your class.

Giselle Pulford

WRITING: Tiny wonders

Year Groups: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Writing, English Language Arts, Home Learning

Instructions for Pupils

🟢Look at the photo of a patch of moss.🟢 Imagine something tiny lives on this little mossy island of green. Who could it be? An insect? A magical friend? Write a story about a day in their life on their mossy land. Who do they meet? What adventures do they get up to? 2 options: 1. Write your story on a piece of paper. 2. Click add and then click photo camera to take a photo of your written story. 3. Click check when you are done. OR, write directly onto seesaw Seesaw 1. Click add and then label text box to type your story. 2. At the bottom, in the corner, click addpage to add a new page if you need more room. 3. Click check when you are finished. Please ask for help if you need it. Extra: practise reading your story aloud using mic. I’d love to hear your voice telling me your story 🙂
