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Kristy Davies

Graeme Base Interview ‘Uno’s Garden and the Environment’

Grades: 8th Grade, 7th Grade, 6th Grade
Subjects: Geography, English Language Arts, STEAM

Student Instructions

1. Watch the interview with Graham Base about the environmental issues addressed in his book 'Uno's Garden'. 2. Answer the questions about the interview. 3. Make a prediction about what you think the book will be about.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Teacher prompts during reading: • Was Uno afraid when he first arrived in the forest? Why? What tells you this? • Was it inevitable that the forest would change once Uno decided to live there? Do you think he knew this? How? • How did his little cottage affect the forest? • Why were there now only 81 plants? • What could the Lumpybums see from the treetops? Were they concerned about Uno's coming? • What did Uno plant in his garden? Why? • How did the other people find Uno's cottage? • Why did the other people decide to settle there, rather than just visit? What is the likely impact of their boats? • Why would Uno begin a garden when there was already such lush vegetation available? • Why were the fisherman's children able to play with the Playful Puddlebuts? • Why did the hunters want to capture the Sneaky Snagglebites? How were they planning to do this? • Why did the tourists come to the forest? What did they expect to see that they couldn't see in the city? • Why did the tourists only see five Timid Tumbletops? Where had the other creatures gone? • What eventually happened to Uno's forest? How do you think he felt about that? • What happened to the Snortlepig? How was it able to survive when the other animals appear to have disappeared? • On the grey morning that the people of the city woke up and decided to leave, where might they have gone? • Do you think the people of the city might have learned any lessons about taking care of the environment? • What do you think they might do differently this time? • How did Uno feel when he opened his door and saw the dark and abandoned city? • What was it that Uno had done that gave him hope, even though both he and the Snortlepig died? • What did Uno's children do that was different to the original inhabitants of the town? • Why did the creatures return only after the plants started to return? • How did the new generation finally strike a balance between the plants, the creatures and the people?
