Instructions for Pupils
Learning Intention: We are learning to describe the position of familiar objects using words.
Listen to the directions given on Seesaw and
move items to that position.
Extension Activity
Place items around the classroom
Record where you put each item
* Remember to use position words like inside, underneath, top, bottom
** Can you use some other position words?
Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)
Learning Intention: We are learning to describe the position of familiar objects, using words (e.g. inside, underneath, top, bottom). Victorian Curriculum Descriptor - Describe position and movement (VCMMG082) Ochre Descriptors: - VC2MFSP02 - describe position & location of self & objects in relation to other people & objects within a familiar space - VC2MFA01 - follow a short sequence of instructions; recognise, copy, continue & create repeating patterns represented in different ways