Student Instructions
With the changes we are all experiencing it’s important to remember that you are NOT alone! 🐾💙 It’s also important to continue to look for things we are thankful for and post them somewhere that can remind us of all the good things we have in our lives! If you would like to do this activity (NOT required), I would love to see what you are thankful for!
1. Click
2. Use the
tool to create a picture of something you are thankful for.
3. Use the
tool to write/label what you are thankful for.
4. Or use the
tool and take a picture of a drawing you create using paper/crayons from home of something you are thankful for. Just remember to write about it or label it!
5. When finished click the
until it’s COMPLETELY uploaded.
Look at the attached item for more direction if needed and my example of what I’m thankful for!!