Instructions for Pupils
To write a Good Hypothesis, make sure to include the following: 1. Knowledge - The hypothesis should be based on information gathered from your studies and/or previous experiences. 2. If/Then Statement - The hypothesis contains both the independent (what is being tested) and dependent variables (what change is observed) in an "If ____then ____" statement. 3. Testable - The hypothesis must be testable. 4. Supporting Evidence - The hypothesis should contain a supporting statement/logical explanation for why you believe your hypothesis is correct. 5. Clearly Written - The hypothesis must be clearly written and grammatically correct. Example: Does fertilizer make a plant grow bigger? Hypothesis: Plants need many types of nutrients to grow. Fertilizer adds more nutrients to the soil. If fertilizer is added to the soil, the plants will grow bigger. Write a hypothesis for the Consumer Testing lab by selecting :add response:.