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Kim Grove

Highlighting Character Traits and Finding Text Evidence

Year Groups: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Reading

Instructions for Pupils

1. Read the assigned text. 2. Go back to the text to find text evidence that shows what character traits the main character has. As you read each part of the story, STOP, think about the character traits you've learned about, and use the highlighter tool to highlight them. Use the label or pencil tool to make a note about where you found the text evidence for that character trait (ex. pg. 12) 3. Look at the character traits you highlighted to help you identify the 3 most important character traits you found text evidence for as you re-read the story. 4. Write them in the character traits spaces using the label tool. 5. Use the label tool to write a sentence on the right that summarizes the text evidence in your own words. 6. Submit the assignment to your Seesaw journal using the check button.

Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)

This is based off of an activity by Courtney Ganes.
