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Ms. Depner

What do Space Telescopes do? Part 1

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

Have you ever wondered how a space telescope works and what they do? Are space telescopes different from telescopes we use on Earth? Let's discover what a space telescope can do! Parents πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦: Allow your child to ask questions and then have your child explain what they have learned! Working together allows for reflective and critical thinking. LEARNING TARGET 🎯: I can explain how a telescope works in space. 1. Read and/or listen to each page. If you need help, have a classmate, parent or an adult help you. 2. Make sure your answers explain what you've learned! 3. When you are finished, click the check button.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

On Dec. 25, 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope is finally on its way to L2! Please visit the NASA James Webb Space Telescope STEM Toolkit for more ideas and information: https://www.nasa.gov/stem/nextgenstem/webb-toolkit.html *More information: https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/james-webb-space-telescope/en/ *This Seesaw activity can be used for all elementary grades, adjust where needed to fit your grade level!* These competencies are from the British Columbia education website. http://curriculum.gov.bc.ca CORE COMPETENCIES: Communication: To share and connect ideas with others' ideas Thinking: Observe and to identify problems and ask questions BIG IDEAS: Kindergarten: The motion of objects depend are their properties Grade 1: Light and its properties can be changed Grade 2: Forces influence the motion of an object CURRICULAR COMPETENCIES: -Demonstrate a curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world -Make and record simple measurement using informal or non-standard methods CONTENT COMPETENCIES: -K: effects of pushes/pull on movement -1: properties of light depend on it source and the object with which they interact -2: physical ways of changing materials
