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Teachers, save “Reading and Writing Workshop” to assign it to your class.

Angie loved to draw. She made colorful designs of people’s names with bright hearts & flowers, but she lost own markers, so she borrowed her teacher’s. The school day was ending, but Angie wanted to keep coloring, so she took the teacher’s markers home and lost them in her messy room. She came back to school the next day and wanted to color again, so she asked the teacher for more markers. The teacher replied, “Sure, Angie, but this is my last pack.” Angie said she would be careful, but by the end of the day the markers were scattered all over the floor and the custodian swept them up and disposed of them. When Angie came in the next day, she asked the teacher for more markers, but she was disappointed to find that there weren’t any more. “I don’t know where all of my markers went,” said the teacher, “but I don’t have them.” Angie had to draw her pictures with drab pencils.

Theresa Baltz

Reading and Writing Workshop

Grades: 6th Grade
Subjects: Reading, Writing

Student Instructions

Read the story with a partner. After you finish, together, determine and explain what the author's message is. After you agree. Write the message on the template attached, include both of your names and post to activity.
