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Gena Ozment

WONDER Precept Postcard- 📬Friendly Letter

Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Reading, English Language Arts, Writing

Student Instructions

In the novel Wonder, Mr. Browne teaches precepts (rules about really important things) to his students throughout the school year to write about. At the end, he asks them to send him a postcard over the summer with their own personal precept. It can be made up or something they've read somewhere that means something to them. 1. 🤔Think about a personal precept (rule) for yourself just like the students in the book did. 2. ✏️Write a friendly postcard to the teacher telling your precept, explaining what it means, and why you chose it. 3. Use the text tool on the template. 4. Remember to check ✅for correct capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences. 5. 🎤 Tap the mic to record yourself reading your postcard.
