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Tonya Kelly, M.Ed

Text connections Activity

Grades: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Writing, Reading, Character Building

Student Instructions

Lesson Review: Watch Youtube video Making connections with reading https://youtu.be/SHsdQvsN8ag Read a story, chapter book, or watch a read-aloud story. You are going to use the book that you read to make a text connection from the book to yourself, text, and the world on the worksheet. seesaw instructions 1. click add response 2. click examples to view the text connections anchor charts 3. watch the making connections with reading video if you need to review the activity before completing 4. click student template 5. 1st side take a photo of the book, you read if you watch a read-aloud story use label and write the name of the book and author. 6.2nd slide use the book to create text connections to a text to self b text to text c text to world 7. once completed click check and add activity to the journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

When we read a story it can take us outside of ourselves and engage us in a new reality. When we read different texts of work we can often learn to relate our own personal lives to people, places, and themes found inside these texts. Finding a level of similarity and difference between the texts can help students find connections between the texts. With this worksheet, students will learn how to connect the dots and become more observant readers.
