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Teachers, save “50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4” to assign it to your class.

Louise Elliott

50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning

Student Instructions

Today’s activity is all about the great outdoors. Watch the attached video, ’50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4’. Now this isn’t really a project for just today but for the whole Summer. The challenge is to go outside and explore nature. When you’re ready... add Remember to tap the add button to begin. Use the attached template to mark off each thing as you do it using the pen pen or pencil pencil tool. If you’d like to, you could even use the add slide button and then use the photo photo or upload upload button to add pictures of your adventures and discoveries. check Don’t forget to press the green tick mark when you have finished so we can see your great work. check We will soon be adding you to your new classes and we know your new teachers will love seeing all your pictures.
