Student Instructions
Welcome to Day 5 of our Potato Olympics. Today there are two events - the Canoe Sprint and shotput Before you begin, you will need materials to create a boat, a tub of water, a tape measure (or a trundle wheel). Event 6 - The Canoe Sprint 1. Mark a starting line (edge of the bucket or tub) then make your athlete move through the water without using any part of your body. 2. Time how long it takes to get to the finish line. 3. Who received the gold and silver medals for the Canoe Sprint? Record their name and their time. Event 7 - Shotput 1. Mark a starting line then hold your athlete carefully. 2. Throw your athlete as far as you can. (Don't do this part inside!) 3. Measure the distance using either a tape measure, trundle wheel or feet. 4. Interview one of your athletes about either sport. 5. News reporter page
Credits: TpT - 2020 Home Learning Potato Olympics Work Pack by Teaching with Sarah Rose TpT - Potato Olympics - FREEBIE by Miss Cav's Classroom