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Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

Comprehension: Drop It, Rocket! (Tad Hills)

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Reading
Standards: Make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society with adult assistance. (ELA.1.6(E)), Make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society. (ELA.2.6(E)), Develop handwriting by printing words, sentences, and answers legibly leaving appropriate spaces between words. (ELA.1.2(F)), Evaluate details read to determine key ideas. (ELA.2.6(G)), Make inferences and use evidence to support understanding. (ELA.2.6(F)), Share information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace and using the conventions of language. (ELA.2.1(C)), Share information and ideas about the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace and using the conventions of language. (ELA.1.1(C)), Synthesize information to create new understanding with adult assistance. (ELA.1.6(H)), Synthesize information to create new understanding. (ELA.2.6(H)), Evaluate details to determine what is most important with adult assistance. (ELA.1.6(G)), Make inferences and use evidence to support understanding with adult assistance. (ELA.1.6(F)), Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information with adult assistance. (ELA.1.6(B)), Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. (ELA.2.6(B)), Make and correct or confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structures with adult assistance. (ELA.1.6(C)), Make and correct or confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structures. (ELA.2.6(C))

Student Instructions

Let's review what you read! πŸ‘†πŸΌ the ⭐ to πŸ‘‚πŸΌ to the instructions. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the 🟑 ➑to go to the next page. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the πŸ”‰ to πŸ‘‚πŸΌ something read aloud to you. πŸ’­ about the πŸ“˜ you read. πŸ’­ about the characters and the setting. Did the character have a problem? How did the character solve the problem? Did the character feel a certain way? 1. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the 🟒 add button to begin. 2. πŸ‘†πŸΌ the card(s) until you land on the picture that answers the question or finishes the statement. 3. When you πŸ‘€ frame-voice record your πŸ—£ the answer to the question. 4. When you πŸ‘€ the drawing tools draw a picture. 5. πŸ‘†πŸΌ 🟒 check when you are ready to turn it in.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

⭐Summary: After reading the book Drop It, Rocket! by Tad Hills, students will review and demonstrate comprehension through various activities. β˜‘ This activity uses Flexcards, Voice and Drawing Tools. ⏳ Focus mode has been applied to this activity to allow students to focus on the content using only the tools they need. πŸ”‘ Key Vocabulary: dog, bird, star, hat, leaf, stick, boot, sock, book, ball, tree, word βœ… Sam is a dog. His friend is a little yellow bird. βœ… They like to find words for a word tree. βœ… Rocket finds a leaf, hat and star. βœ… Rocket would not drop the red boot because he liked it too much. βœ… His animal friends tried to get him to drop it by bringing things like a ball, sock, stick and book. He was disappointed that they wanted him to drop the red boot. βœ… Owl brings him the book and he drops the red boot because the book reminds him of the word tree and he loves to read. ⭐This is a supplemental activity that can be used in conjunction with your district curriculum. ⭐This activity is best used whole group on an interactive board where students come up and manipulate the objects in the activity or on individual devices individually assigned for students to survey their classmates. πŸ›‘ Always preview videos/links to be sure they fit your audience/needs.
