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Teachers, save β€œ(A2) How Do You Get to Mars? πŸš€β€ to assign it to your class.

Kelly Hudson (khudson@steds.org)

(A2) How Do You Get to Mars? πŸš€

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

The purpose of this activity is to learn how NASA sends rockets to Mars. You will build, test, and improve a straw rocket. 1. Click on the link to learn how to get to Mars and to build your straw πŸš€. 2. Take a video of your straw rocket landing on Mars. 3. Use Shadow Puppet to record over your video of your straw rocket landing on Mars. Include an introduction and the purpose. This video should not exceed 30 seconds. Save your video into your camera roll. 4. Click add to open the template. 5. upload your Shadow Puppet πŸš€ video to slide 1. 6. Take a photo of your straw rocket and upload it to slide 2. 7. Test your straw rocket five times. Record the distance your rocket travels in centimeters on slide 3. 8. Improve your rocket. Take a photo of your improved πŸš€ and upload to slide 2. 9. Use the mic to record a summary of slide 2. 10. Test your improved rocket five times. Record the distance your improved rocket travels on slide 3. 11. Use the mic to record a summary on slide 3. 12. Click the green check to save.
