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Teachers, save “Calendar-January to July” to assign it to your class.

Raegan Quan

Calendar-January to July

Grades: Kindergarten, PK-TK, 1st Grade
Subjects: Daily Routines, Math

Student Instructions

1. Tap add to begin the activity. 2. On page 1, use the move tool: Tap on the "listen" box to hear the directions. Move the correct day of the week on the right to the correct box for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 3. On page 2, use the move tool to pick a song about the Days of the Week. 4. On page 3, use the move tool to pick a song about the Months of the Year. 5. On pages 4-10, pick the current month. Use the move tool to complete the calendar. You can use the calendar pieces to create patterns (AB, AABB, ABB, AAB, ABC, ABCD, etc.). Once you decide on the pattern, then move the calendar piece. Move the correct number on top of the calendar piece. 6. On page 11, use the move tool to move the black squares to the blue rectangle as you count down to 100 days of school. 7. Tap check check to turn in your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This calendar activity was created to be used on an interactive board. You can save under "Sample Student" and edit each day to save your progress. (You can change the year above each month to update for each year.) It can also be used by students. Student directions are above. Original activity by Raegan Quan. Special thanks to Mrs. Cecilia Harris for your help and suggestions!
