Instructions for Pupils
When you really understand something you can teach it to someone else. This week, you are going to teach a family member how to_________________________________________. Let's get started.
1. Tap the add button.
Use the drawing tool or any of the other creative tools to prepare the lesson for your family.
3. Give your lesson to your family. You can either use the lesson you created in Seesaw or show them without technology.
Use the label tool to complete the attached self and family assessment.
Tap the mic share how your lesson went.
Tap the check to add to your journal.
Family Why: Research shows that mastery happens when you can demonstrate and teach a concept yourself. This activity lets your child shine by allowing them to teach you what they know. If your child is not able to teach the lesson that is okay. It just means they have more learning to do.
Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)
Encourage your students to teach their family key concepts you expect them to have mastered. This activity can be customized and used repeatedly as a way to discover mastery so you know who needs more help and who is ready to move on to the next focus area. Save the activity to your library and modify the rubric and the lesson to meet your specific needs. You can also give more specific directions on what they need to include in the lesson so they are showing key concepts, the process they are using and are able to show their thinking.